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Malcolm Forbes of Forbes Magazine fame - (which I have to admit is probably not well-known in most social circles - in my experience, anyway) once said something very profound.  I have adopted his very profound statement as one of the guiding principles of my life.

What did Malcolm Forbes say?  Glad you asked.  He said: 

"I would rather create value

than acquire it."

That's it.  A simple, profound statement that I find simply profound. 

Why wouldn't one want to acquire more valuable stuff?  That is the American way, is it not?  Don't we want a bigger house, a better car, a nicer yard (a nicer yard at Kooy House would certainly be a good thing, and my neighbors agree.).  don't we want . . . a boat, a vacation, a great education for our kids?  Don't we want (well, you fill in the blank)___________________?

But here is what excites the heck out of me:  I get to CREATE VALUE. in my job as an artist.  I get to be my own boss, yes, but that is not the point.  I am privileged to be able to take something worthless and spend some time and effort on it and create something of value out of it.  Every piece of clay I pick up can have real, intrinsic worth pressed into it, by the touch of my hands.  it becomes a whole new thing that never existed before, and someone on this planet will find it useful and beautiful, and he or she will want to own it. 

No, I don't have magic fingers, I have skill..  I have developed an ability that few people have.  I have craftsmanship that is rare, even among a lot of other potters.  It is Creative Power, given to me by my Creative Creator, in whose image I am made.  I owe it to The God of the universe (who saw value in me) to be a maker of valuable things.

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